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Los Angeles Hike Details

  Portuguese Bend Reserve  
Trail - Portuguese Bend Reserve
09:07 am

Map | Aerial photos | Website | More details
Area Los Angeles
Address 32201 Forrestal Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Elevation 279.00 m ( 900 ft )
Change 418.50 m ( 1350 ft )
Distance 8.37 km ( 5.20 miles )
Difficulty Moderate

Directions  From the north take the 110S or the 405S to the 110S. Stay on the 110S until it ends in San Pedro. Turn Left on N Gaffey Street, 3rd Right onto 1st Street then left onto Western Ave. Right onto 25th Street which will turn into Palos Verdes Drive, keep left at the fork and turn right onto Forrestal Drive.
From the south Take the 405N to the 710S, continue onto the 47S and take the Gaffey Street Exit towards San Pedro. Merge onto Summerland Pl then turn left onto Western Avenue, Right onto 25th Street which will turn into Palos Verdes Drive, keep left at the fork and turn right onto Forrestal Drive.

The Good  - Parking is usually easy (especially if the park is open)
- Restroom at trailhead (open at 1pm portapotties available 24/7)
- Dog friendly, leash required
- Great Views of the Coast
- Usually a nice breeze

The Bad  - Possible rattle snake encounters
- Stinging nettle
- A long drive for most of our hikers
- It can be very hot here in summer and fall months.

Where  Palos Verdes, CA

Notes  Rolling hills with an ocean view.
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Hike Dates
Past hikes
Apr 15th, 2012        Jan 15th, 2012        

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