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Los Angeles Hike Details

  Mineral Wells Loop  
Trail - Mineral Wells Loop
17:43 pm

Map | Aerial photos | More details
Area Los Angeles
Address Mineral Wells Rd, Griffith Park, CA 90027
Elevation 460.66 m ( 1486 ft )
Change 341.00 m ( 1100 ft )
Distance 7.24 km ( 4.50 miles )
Difficulty Moderate

Directions  In Burbank from the Ventura Freeway (134) take the Forest Lawn Drive offramp. Make a left heading west under the freeway to the first intersection with a stone and palm tree entrance to the park. At the stop sign turn right onto Griffith Park Drive and follow it over the hill to where you will park at Mineral Springs picnic area.

Forget trying to map this location from the given address. Meet at the marked location in the following map. https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=212694693616765458444.00046e679cb79947c16ba&msa=0&ll=34.145588,-118.293947&spn=0.00729,0.007542

The Good  Great views!

Dogs are allowed on a leash.

There are restrooms in the picnic area at the trailhead.

The Bad  The trail parallels Griffith Park Drive for over a mile.

Where  Mineral Wells picnic area parking lot in Griffith Park.

Notes  "From the picnic area you will find a bridle trail that parallels Griffith Park Drive and hike south. This portion is easy walking where you will pass the access road to the Boy's Camp. After about a mile above the old zoo site you will come upon a junction.

Turn right and climb where you will pass Water Tank #71 and continue to climb into the park's back country. Bee Rock a park landmark will be visible on your left continue on up to Vista Del Valle Drive. Turn right and walk a short distance where you will notice a trail on your left, this will take you after a short time to the base of Mt. Bell. On the summit you will find a USGS marker and the geographical center of the park." --eTreking.com, http://www.etreking.com/eTreking/Pages/GriffithPark.html#Anchor
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Past hikes
Jun 24th, 2012        Dec 31st, 2006        

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