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Today is: Saturday, July 27th 2024  
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Los Angeles Hike Details

  Los Angeles Marathon  
Trail - Los Angeles Marathon
08:15 am

Map | Aerial photos | Website | More details
Area Los Angeles
Address Ventura Blvd/Cahuenga, North of Lankershim Blvd.
Elevation n/a
Change n/a
Distance 42.16 km ( 26.20 miles )
Difficulty Extreme
Special instructions   Yes, it's true. A group of us have decided to walk the LA Marathon. Come out and join us. There's nothing like a long walk on a beautiful day in LA!

Online registration has closed, but you can still register at the EMERALD NUTS QUALITY OF LIFE EXPO in the Los Angeles Convention Center, Kentia Hall on Friday and Saturday.

If you have questions or are interested, contact l i s e t t e @ l i g h t h o u s e p r o m o . n e t.

The Good  You'll be walking a long way with geeks.

The Bad  You'' be walking a long way with geeks.

Where  Universal Studios, Los Angeles

Notes  Online registration for the LA Marathon has been closed. The cost to walk the marathon is $105.

You can register at: http://www.lamarathon.com/Marathon_Info.102.0.html
More details
(Hikers have been notified by email)
Hike Dates
Past hikes
Mar 2nd, 2008        Mar 4th, 2007        

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