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Los Angeles Hike Details

  G33k Dinner  
Trail - G33k Dinner
20:00 pm

Map | Aerial photos | Website | More details
Area Los Angeles
Address 6100 Topanga Canyon Boulevard 2310, Woodland Hills, California 91367
Elevation n/a
Change n/a
Distance n/a
Difficulty Easy
Special instructions   The reservation is under "Heather". There will be PPT Karaoke - bring your ppts (as HTML or PDF) on a memory stick!

Please RSVP here: http://barcamp.org/BarCampLA-Geek14

Where  uWink (at the Westfield Promenade)

Notes  Tonight's G33k dinner will be at uWink at the Westfield Promenade!

The G33k Dinners are a monthly gathers of Internet technology lovers in Los Angeles. We are loosely affiliated with BarCamp - because many of us met there. Anyone who has an interest and passion for technology, the internet, internet technologies, software or you just know you're a geek is welcome. Come play with us.
More details
(Hikers have been notified by email)
Hike Dates
Past hikes
Jun 19th, 2007        

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