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Los Angeles Hike Details

  Big Parade LA Event  
Trail - Big Parade LA Event
08:00 am

Map | Aerial photos | Website | More details
Area Los Angeles
Address 925 N Vendome St, Los Angeles, CA 90026
Elevation n/a
Change n/a
Distance n/a
Difficulty Moderate
Special instructions   THE BIG PARADE is this weekend.

It's a two day, 35 mile hike through urban (and suburban) terrain, hitting all the public stairways.

Don't feel pressured to do the full hike. Join in where you like. Exit where you like.
There is a full map and time table available at the Big Parade website. ( http://www.bigparadela.com/route-tt-howto/page39/daytwomap2010.html )

For Sunday, the first 6.5 miles form a nicely circuitous circuit around Silver Lake. This should be pretty good for those who wish to wind up near their cars. For this, meet at 8AM at 923 N Vendome St, 90026. But it may also be good to park closer to Silver Lake Recreation Center, where this loop ends, and have a nice warmup walk to Vendome St.

Where  Silverlake

If you truly liked the Urban Stairway hike, join this week's Big Parade LA event. This is not a HikeTheGeek event, but feel free to fly your geeky colors.

This hike hits many of the public stairways around town, and will prove to be quite a work out..

(The Big Parade image is courtesy of Steve Matsuda.)
More details
(Hikers have been notified by email)
Hike Dates
Past hikes
May 22nd, 2011        Jun 13th, 2010        Apr 18th, 2010        

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