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Today is: Saturday, July 27th 2024  
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Los Angeles Hike Details

  Santa Monica Rings  
Trail - Santa Monica Rings
11:00 am

Map | Aerial photos | Website | More details
Area Los Angeles
Address 34.00837394910728,-118.4972366110169
Elevation 6.20 m ( 20 ft )
Change n/a
Distance 8.05 km ( 5.00 miles )
Difficulty Easy
Lat / Long 34.00837394910728, -118.4972366110169
Special instructions  

For those interested in getting up extra early, TroyWorks is offering breakfast at his house. 9:00 am.
Please RSVP for breakfast chez@troygardner.com if your coming, so TroyWorks can plan accordingly.

Breakfast will be an egg scramble (tomato, mushroom, onion and cheese), hashbrows, fruit, tea and fresh squeezed orange juice.

Where  Santa Monica, on the beach.

Notes  Starting from the big rings. South to Venice along the boardwalk. Rings and bars are available for those who are inclined to use them. Cross over to Main Street around Muscle beach, and hike back Main Street, getting to see the "chain reaction" art piece at city hall, then end up back at the promenade for parking and for those so inclined, food.
More details
(Hikers have been notified by email)
Hike Dates
Past hikes
Jul 8th, 2007   (4)Oct 29th, 2006        Aug 20th, 2006        Jul 31st, 2005        

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