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Los Angeles Hike Details

  Bridges Over the LA River  
Trail - Bridges Over the LA River
16:57 pm

Map | Aerial photos | Website | More details
Area Los Angeles
Address 800 North Alameda St. Los Angeles, CA 90012
Elevation n/a
Change 31.00 m ( 100 ft )
Distance 14.48 km ( 9.00 miles )
Difficulty Easy
Special instructions   Time for a little urban exploring. But be warned! This hike is experimental. Safety glasses should be worn at all times.

All roads (and a lot of public transit) lead to LA Union Station.

The Good  
> Easy public transit in.
> Restrooms at the meeting point.
> Very close to Philippe the Original French Dip. (Mmm, tasty.)

The Bad  
> Exposed, no cover
> Parking fee at LA Union Station

Where  Los Angeles Union Station

We'll be meeting just inside the main entrance to Los Angeles Union Station. That's the entrance under the clock tower.
From there we will make our way through this public transit hub and on to the Cesar Chaves bridge. Enjoy the urban splendor as we make our first crossing of the LA river.

The proposed path has 4 bridge crossings over 4 miles as we make our way south along the Los Angeles River. Then about another mile to walk directly back to Union Station.

But if we feel particularly energetic, we can continue south to concur another 2 bridges before turning back. (This will add another 3.5 miles to the trek.)

On this trip we will not be entering the river basin.

See the proposed path at maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&ll=34.047112,-118.229456&spn=0.036768,0.055189&z=14&msid=108456937782558699542.00048b8d31adc0fb4d947
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Hike Dates
Past hikes
Nov 25th, 2012        Oct 28th, 2012        Jul 18th, 2010        

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