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Los Angeles Hike Details

  Sunset Ranch to Hollywood sign  
Trail - Sunset Ranch to Hollywood sign
11:11 am

Map | Aerial photos | Website | More details
Area Los Angeles
Address 3400 N Beachwood Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90068
Elevation n/a
Change n/a
Distance n/a
Difficulty Easy
Special instructions   Your hike master is Luke Cockerham, visiting from one of the friendliest countries in the world.

Directions  Drive up Beachwood from Hollywood.
Keep going north until you are driving over horse shit.
You're there.

The Good  Part of history, a beautiful part of Hollywood.

The Bad  A horse from Sunset stables killed a man, then a few month later sent another Hiker from HIKEtheGEEK to hospital.

Where  Heart of Hollywood hills.

Notes  After a bit of a hike you will be standing above and behind the famous Hollywood sign!
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Sep 3rd, 2016        

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