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Los Angeles Hike Details

  Observatory starting from Trail Cafe  
Trail - Observatory starting from Trail Cafe
10:01 am

Map | Aerial photos | More details
Area Los Angeles
Address 2333 Fern Dell Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90068
Elevation n/a
Change 186.00 m ( 600 ft )
Distance 3.22 km ( 2.00 miles )
Difficulty Moderate
Special instructions   And not one minute later than 10:01am :)

I know this is short notice, but I just flew into California from D.C. yesterday and then drove down to LA from SF last night.

I know several of you have not been up to the Observatory.

The weather seems good for this type of hike.

I'm not longer on FaceBook, so if someone would be kind enough to post this hike there I would appreciate it.


Where  Griifith Park, South West side.

Notes  See Parking below.

We will be meeting in front of the Bear statue, which has the address:

5415 Los Feliz Blvd Los Angeles, California
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Jun 2nd, 2019        Sep 18th, 2016        

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