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Los Angeles Hike Details

  Palo Comado Canyon  
Trail - Palo Comado Canyon
10:10 am

Map | Aerial photos | More details
Area Los Angeles
Address 34.182177, -118.748647
Elevation n/a
Change 248.00 m ( 800 ft )
Distance 9.66 km ( 6.00 miles )
Difficulty Moderate
Lat / Long 34.182177, -118.748647
Special instructions   Yes, we are doing this hike twice in a row. The area we hike through burned last year and now it is absolutely covered in wildflowers - it won't be like this again for a very long time! There are many trails to choose from...

Meet at the head of the trail on Sunnycrest Drive.

Directions  From Highway 101 (Ventura Freeway), exit on Kanan Road. Head North 2.2 miles to Sunnycrest Drive and turn right. Continue 0.8 miles along Sunnycrest, which bends to the left to a Brown and White sign on the right.

The Good  This hike is good for Bike riding as well.

The Bad  A bit boring...

Where  Agoura Hills, just north of the 101, 18 miles west of the 405.

Notes  Take a stroll through grasslands and some oaks. This is a gentle pleasant hike.
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Hike Dates
Past hikes
Sep 21st, 2008   (12)Dec 2nd, 2007        Oct 22nd, 2006   (1)May 28th, 2006        May 21st, 2006   (26)
Jan 15th, 2006        

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