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Las Vegas - First Aid

First Aid Topics

  • Q: Dehydration

    A: Uh....drink...

  • Q: Heat cramps, exhaustion, and stroke

    A: If you don't drink at least what you are loosing through perspiration (and other leaks of the body) you are going to be hurt'n. Heat illness basically follows a simple pattern; cramps, exhaustion, then stroke.

    Cramps start as innocent brief but severe pains in the exterminates or abdomen. Stop what you are doing, and rest in the shade, and drink water.

    Exhaustion happens if you don't heed the warning of the cramps, heat builds in the body. Symptoms include dehydration, fatigue, weakness, headaches, nausea, vomiting and hyperventilation. If you got to this point you're just not paying attention. At this point you have to do what ever it takes to bring down the temperature of your body. Get in the shade, drink liquids (water is best), if you have extra water, or better a pond or pool, get in it. The goal is to cool off. Even if you feel better, you should check with a doctor.

    Stroke happens when you are a fool, and are doing things you're not trained for. Technically your body has given up trying to control things...like temperature. This is just like having a severe fever, and can kill you. You will know you have reached this stage when you drop unconscious, or worse, remain conscious but are having a seizure, or are disoriented, and therefore more annoying than a Mac user defending a one button mouse. Weakness, dizziness, and several headaches might give you warning, as will hot and dry skin. The cure is to bring the temperature down as fast as possible, so it is best to bring a casket sized "step in" fridge with you if you plan to have heat stroke. Make sure it is the type with the safety latch on the inside.

  • Q: Sprained or broken ankle

    A: Right on! This is your chance to have people carry you! We have tested this, and found that it takes four men taking turns for 2 hours to carry one guy down a hill.

    Now, in a nutshell, if you think something is hurt, it probably is. Don't believe that wives tale that if you can move it, it isn't broken. The basic rules are: Don't put any pressure on something that hurts. Phrases like "I think I can walk" are the words of a fool. Let people help you.

    If you can, elevate the foot/hand higher than the waist/shoulders to reduce swelling and pain. Use cold compresses or an ice bag wrapped in a towel in a 20 minute on/40 minute off cycle.

  • Q: Socks don't match but feel the same...

    A: We get this complaint a lot. Never try to deal with this problem while actually hiking. Given the crowd, it is possible one of the other hikers has the same problem, and a mid-hike swap will work. Our best suggestion is to go home, throw away one or the other colour socks, and only buy one colour in the future.

Coming soon:
(don't let any of these things happen to you until we update this site)
  • Q: Snake bite
  • Q: Cell phone doesn't synch with carrier.
  • Q: Poison oak/ivy
  • Q: There you are minding your own business when "Bam!!!" you get hit by a horse.

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