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San Francisco Hike Details

  Crissy Field to Fort Point, Presidio, San Francisco  
Trail - Crissy Field to Fort Point, Presidio, San Francisco
11:33 am

Map | Aerial photos | Website | More details
Area San Francisco
Address 603 Mason St., Presidio, San Francisco, CA 94129
Elevation n/a
Change n/a
Distance 4.83 km ( 3.00 miles )
Difficulty Easy

Directions  From GoCalifornia.com:

You can park in the Crissy Field lot just off Mason Street, or at Fort Point just below the Golden Gate Bridge. If you're using a GPS, enter 603 Mason Street, which is the visitor center address.

If you're using public transportation, take the Muni 28, 29 or 43 bus to the Presidio Main Post stop and walk toward the waterfront.

If you're a hearty walker, you can get to Crissy Field from Fisherman's Wharf. Walk around the edge of Aquatic Park below Ghirardelli Square and follow the pathway over the side of the hill through Fort Mason and keep going west past the marina.

The Good  Fabulous view of the Golden Gate Bridge

The Bad  It may be windy because it is on the beach.

Where  Mason St. and Crook St., Presidio, San Francisco, CA

Notes  Meet at the bookstore

Crissy fields offers the opportunity for an easy hike, where you can walk for as long as you want to. We have the option of walking along the beach, checking out the cemetery, walking by Golden Gate Bridge, and seeing all kinds of neat things.

Please see Go California for more here: http://gocalifornia.about.com/cs/sanfrancisco/a/sfmargntoftpt.htm

Original Photo: http://flickr.com/photos/davidhanddotnet/2210004284/sizes/m/
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