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San Francisco Hike Details

  Shoreline at Mountain View  
Trail - Shoreline at Mountain View
13:37 pm

Map | Aerial photos | Website | More details
Area San Francisco
Address 37.432528, -122.088243
Elevation n/a
Change n/a
Distance 4.90 km ( 3.04 miles )
Difficulty Moderate
Lat / Long 37.432528, -122.088243
Special instructions   We are having breakfast first nearby at 11 . . . send me an e-mail and I'll send you the e-vite.

Directions  From US 101 in Santa Clara County, exit Shoreline Boulevard (exit #399). Drive northeast about 1 mile on Shoreline Boulevard, through the gates into Shoreline at Mountain View. Once past the entrance gate, drive about 1 mile to the parking lot at the end of the road (near the lake).

Lots of parking in several lots. Designated handicapped parking is available, and trails are wheelchair accessible. Wheelchair-accessible restrooms, drinking fountains, and pay phone in the building near the lake; there are other phones, fountains, restrooms and portable toilets at a few other locations in the park. Santa Clara VTA services Shoreline's western edge via buses 47, 104, and 520.

Where  Shoreline Lake in Mountain View, CA

Notes  "Shoreline at Mountain View (that is the somewhat snobbish but official name) is Paved path around the lakemore than a park, it's a recreation extravaganza, with a golf course, restaurants, a boating lake, kite flying field, and miles of trails. All the facilities are well used, but most people seem to show up at Shoreline for a walk or run. You'll see seniors and young moms, high school runners, and tech folks on their lunch hours, taking advantage of the flat paved and dirt paths around the lake and bay.
A string of parks and preserves allows hikers to explore the bay to the north and south, with Shoreline as a logical staging area. The Bay Trail ties together Mountain View's Shoreline with Palo Alto's Baylands, and when new segments are completed the trail will reach Sunnyvale's Baylands. Hikers can stick to the Bay Trail, which runs rather uncomfortably close to the highway at times, or can choose to walk along the levee trails which stretch out to meet the bay. "

From here:

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Past hikes
Dec 13th, 2009        Oct 11th, 2009        Feb 15th, 2009        Dec 21st, 2008        Nov 9th, 2008        

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